Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, August 16, 2024
The End Has Come!
Message from Most Holy Mary and Jesus Christ to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on August 11, 2024

I am the Blessed Virgin.
Beloved daughter, things are falling apart, tomorrow there will be a great catastrophe, Italy is in the enemy's sights.
A magnitude 5 solar storm will hit the Earth, there will be a blackout.
My children, it is time to stand firm in faith in Christ the Lord! I am your only Good, with Me you will be safe.
Verily I say to you, things will now precipitate, suddenly you will face disaster, you will not know where to lay your head.
Days of great distress you will suffer, for not having listened to the Word of your God Love.
Put the Truth in you to be received by the Truth.
Milan will be devastated by the typhoon.
Skyscrapers and buildings will collapse.
Cities will be in turmoil, the Earth will shake, the sun will ravage the Earth.
In your homes light blessed candles and pray the holy Rosary. Invoke God's help, plead for His mercy.
Mary Most Holy will enter the homes of Your children and prepare them for the final confrontation against Satan.
The antichrist will now present himself to the world, in his miserable being he will manifest himself great and, man unaware of My Word, will fall at his feet.
Those who did not listen to My calls for conversion, those who did not want to accept the Divine messages into themselves will be in weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Germany is ready to declare its alliance with America.
France will provoke war, will be the beginning of the end. Cursed is he who goes against Me.
People all, come to Me, do not delay, the time is closed, the infamous one is now on Peter's throne. Enoch and Elijah are returning, you will see them descending from heaven in chariots of fire, this will mark the beginning of Armageddon.
Mary Most Holy present in My Plan, as Coredemptrix, will advance to start the battle. She will be at the head of all the Heavenly Armies headed by Saint Michael the Archangel, and She, the Woman Clothed with the Sun will be at His side.
The end has come, everything must be cleansed for Jesus to put His feet back on Earth.
Be the blessed of the Lord, move your hearts to Heaven, it is time to feast in the Father's House,...the Banquet is ready for all God's children. Amen.
Source: ➥